Over 23,000 members in the north west & Isle of Man
The Regional Team

The North West CWU Regional Executive oversee the work of the Region in between full Regional Committee meetings and works to a NW Development Plan agreed by the Regional Conference.
About this CWU region

We're in the heart of the Country and at the heart of the Union! With seventeen branches across the region, we have you covered wherever you are based…
Want to join CWU?

At the CWU we offer communication workers and their families help and support in a whole lot of different ways, both at and away from work. Find out more…

As a CWU member, you have access to a whole range of year-round discounts and services, adding enormous value to the benefit of membership…
North West Branches

The North West Region has 17 branches
covering some 24,000 members across Cheshire, Cumbria, Greater Manchester, Lancashire, Merseyside and the Isle of Man.
NW Mental Health Network

Bringing together like minded people involved in mental health commissioning to share best practice, discuss challenges and devise take home actions.

Formed in January 1995 when the Union of Communication Workers joined forces with the National Communications Union, CWU are the biggest union for the communications industry in the UK.

Trade unionists, families and friends, who work in Britain’s and Ireland’s postal, telecom & financial industries respond to the plight of vulnerable children in other countries and the UK & Ireland.

Established by the GMB and CWU unions to provide a broad range of legal services to their members. Their aim is to provide the first line of support to members for any legal need.
Reach agreement now or face an industrial action ballot - CWU's message to Capita.
Capita O2 and Tesco Mobile contract members reject 4% pay snub as cost of living crisis reaches desperation point for…
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