Retired Members Sec Reviews Conference Agenda

CWU Annual Conference 2017 Review Of Agenda

Graham Wilson, retired member’s secretary has completed his review of the forthcoming CWU Annual Conference, and has picked out motions relevant to the Union’s Retired Members.

They are summarised below.

Motion            1                      Personal Independence Payments
                     3                      Protecting the NHS
                     4                      Social Care Act 2014
                     5                      Raise income tax to fund Social Care (Greater Manchester)
                     6                      Additional funding for Social Care  (Mersey)
                     7                      Protecting the NHS from privatisation.
                     10                    Women’s Pension inequality  (WASPI)
                     29                    Roll of Retired Members  (NEC) (This is the important one)
                     30                    Retired Members’ voting rights  (comp. inc. Gtr Mersey & SW Lancs Amal) (Falls if 29 carries)
                     35                    Openness re LTB 664/16 REVISED BRANCH MODEL CONSTITUTION
                     37-40   Amendments to Rule 3 Status of Retired Members           
                     82       Defend the Triple Lock (unlikely to be reached but it is already policy with the passing of Motion 10 last year)

The following motions are X marked so will not be heard unless SOC challenged successfully.
                        93                  Change date of RM Conference from Jan to Oct
                    106 & 7           Rule amendment to Branch Model Constitution (Greater Mersey and South West Lancs)

The Conference 2017 Agenda can be downloaded here

The relevant extracts from Rule Book 2016 can be downloaded here

Posted: 1st January 2017

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